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Ready to relax?

on August 15, 2014

What is your favorite form of relaxation? Walking barefoot in the park wiggling your toes in dew-dappled grass? Watching a sunset while enjoying a glass of wine, alone or perhaps with a loved one? Getting a manicure or pedicure, maybe both? A day at the beach? What about a massage while listening to soothing music set against a backdrop of a waterfall? Any of the above, none of the above. Endless possibilities. Get yourself in serious thought mode. Write it down. Maybe even make a list since a whole day for relaxation has been set aside.

August 15 is…

National Relaxation Day


Happy National Relaxation Day, y’all! Just chill!

We all live in such a fast-paced world that it is easy for life to become very stressful and overwhelming at times. Pressure, anxiety, tension are constant companions so get away from all the stress! That’s right. Leave it behind. Take a step back and slow down the pace. If not for the day, go for an hour. Kick back, breathe deeply, take the next few moments (as many as you can), grab a lounge chair and RELAX!

4 responses to “Ready to relax?

  1. Gyslaine L. says:

    To be relax I read a good book 😉

  2. Micki Peluso says:

    Yes, reading a good book is the best way I relax–that and laying on an inner tube in the pool watching the gorgeous sky.

  3. Raani York says:

    One of my favorite forms of relaxation is sitting in the bath tub with a good book. – And that’s what I’m about to do. 🙂

  4. […] makes it easy for life to become so stressful that the need to get away is at the top of the list. Ready to relax? Kick back, breathe deeply the salty air, take a few moments for a quiet walk…simply get away […]

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