
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Time Out for Family Emergency

on March 24, 2013

hospitalteddybearcatnipoflife will be on leave for awhile but hoping it will not be for an extended time. My husband, Jim, is in ICU in Southeast Alabama Medical Center in Dothan, AL. This is approximately an 80-mile round trip from where we live. I had to have an ambulance dispatched this morning because he could not get his breath.

We remained in the ER in our home town until approximately 12 noon. By the time he arrived at the ER in Dothan, he was not breathing. He has been put on a respiratory machine which is doing the breathing for him. He had to have a procedure called Thoracintesis to drain a liter and a half of fluid from his lungs. He is stable and resting.

I came home because they would not let me stay, of course, in ICU. I will be going back in the morning and will post updates as I know more.

Keep him in your prayers,

32 responses to “Time Out for Family Emergency

  1. Sharla, Try not to worry. I sent you a personal email. You and Jim are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband along with major hugs with you.

  3. Micki Peluso says:

    Dear Sharla, I have you both covered with prayer, with angels by your sides and the comfort of the Holy Spirit descended upon you both. Try not to worry and please be careful driving back and forth. Remeber God is with you both.

    Love, Micki

  4. Lyn says:

    Praying for you both Sharla. May the Father surround you with His love and cover you with the shadow of His mighty wing
    Lyn xxx

  5. Sunni Morris says:


    I am so surprised to hear this news. Good thing he is in the ICU where he can get the care he needs. Perhaps this is pnemonia, which is a common thing, but needs to be treated ASAP. I hope all goes well and both of you are together at home again soon.


  6. Taylor says:

    Call me anytime day or night…I’m here for you always lovey. Jim is priority #1…and #1 in my prayers. Stay strong sweet Sharla…Love you sister!

  7. Autumn says:

    Sharla, I’m praying for you both. Keep us posted as you can. Sending you lots of hugs and love.

  8. Mark says:

    Sharla, we are praying for you and your family. Please remember to take care of yourself also. God bless!

  9. RoSy says:

    Will include you & Jim in my prayers. {Hugs}

  10. Prayers & best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  11. Saddened to read about that, Sharla. Hope Jim heals quickly. On a side note, I have a friend who’s originally from Dothan. He always used to say he’s from ‘LA – Lower Alabama.’ Please keep us updated!

  12. I am praying for jim and will put him on the prayer list at church today. God bless love and hugs my dear one (((xx)))

  13. lgyslaine says:

    all my thoughts and prayers are with you Sharla. Friendly

  14. Sending you love and courage!

  15. bobmielke says:

    Boy did your tale bring back memories. I was rushed to the ER in 2005 with congestive heart failure. I too couldn’t breathe with my BP at 255/150. I had a catheter draining fluid from around my oversized organs. Not fun!

    My prayers are with you & your husband as you face this crisis in your life. I’m sure the bloggers who love & support you will join me in supporting you in any way we can. God bless. – Bob

  16. Dear Sharla, so sad to hear about your emergency dash, and all the stress you must be going through…You are so courageous, sweet soul. You and Jim are both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Don’t get too tired trying to do too much as well as all the driving.

  17. Alastair says:

    Thinking of you and your husband Sharla. Be careful on your trips.

  18. stutleytales says:

    Oh, Sharla… so sorry to hear that. Will be praying for you both 🙂

  19. Ruby says:

    My thoughts will be with you and him, sending love and all my positive energy!

  20. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, Bette a. Stevens

  21. Prayers going to you and your family! Lots of love, Emily

  22. Prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. May the Good Lord wrap his healing arms around your husband and make him whole again. May you find tranquility at this time. In Christ’s name . Amen.

  23. Dear Sharla, Know that the Lord is with you and your husband ever step of the way. He has his hand on you, to strengthen and guide you to be the rock for your husband. I pray that in this time God’s healing hand physically, emotionally and spiritually brings a new wholeness to your husband, to you his wife, and your family. Lord, you say if we ask without vain contrition you answer, we ask Lord your will, your way. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

  24. Lady Lovely says:

    Thoughts of you and Jim. Love and hugs!

  25. Raani York says:

    I’ll hug you and Jim from across the ocean. My prayers are with you!!

  26. quirkybooks says:

    So sorry to hear that. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Don’t worry about posting, just look after yourself and him. Big hugs xx

  27. joseyphina says:

    God is in control, Sharla. He will definitely give you a testimony and a song of praise at the end of the day. Stay calm and believe God has already done it.

  28. utesmile says:

    Wishing your husband all the best and have faith in God. You will be in my prayers! Take care of yourself and your husband!

  29. […] For Sharla at Catnip of Life – She’s having a rough patch and I know she’s not really online right now, but eventually when her life is less fraught, she’ll be back and this award, so well-deserved, will be waiting for her. With all the wretched difficulties going on in her world, she is endlessly kind, caring, and good. Deep to the bone, a good person. You don’t meet so many of them! […]

  30. Teepee12 says:

    Whenever you are back and life is good again, please come visit and collect a very special (and rare) award at —

    The Best Moment Award – Honored, Humble and Grateful!

    Hugs and all my love!!

  31. coastalmom says:

    I wish there were a prayer button rather than always just a LIKE button… but wanted you to know prayers bombarding heaven! I know these guys have great prayer connections here! I have seen them in action! 😉

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