
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Free Write Friday #14: Resolve

on December 28, 2012

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Welcome back to Kellie Elmore‘s Free Write Friday! If you are new here, feel free to read the intro, otherwise let’s get started…

This week, our FWF prompt is:


I resolve…

to not make any resolutions this year
that are not
doable or
easily attainable!

Every year I
manage to list
to never
take a moment’s
time to revisit


They are unmanageable
Too many

They are not doable
Too demanding

They are not easily attainable
Too farfetched

So, why make them?

To impress others?
To say I have them?
To hope!

Resolve, resolute, resolution
Any way you look at it
It is hope

I hope for determination
To follow through
Should I decide to resolve

©2012 catnipoflife
Sharla Lee Shults

Thank you, Kellie, for another great challenge!

Happy New Year!

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8 responses to “Free Write Friday #14: Resolve

  1. Alastair says:

    I usually make a resolution to not make resolutions. For this year though, at the request of my daughter, I made the resolution to cut down on my swearing, and I managed to do it. Took me a long time though, but my language has been a lot less colourful 🙂

  2. Teepee12 says:

    I second the motion!

    • catnipoflife says:

      Marilyn, here is a funny for you…I was perusing some stats on Awakenings – hits per posting: 20, 42, 109, 482, 630…up and down like a yo-yo THEN 3036! Go figure what the topic was?

  3. […] Free Write Friday #14: Resolve ( […]

  4. Happy New Year to you as well! Thank you so much for sharing and I wish you the best! HOPEfully I can stick to mine! 😉 We will have to have a ‘check in’ of sorts and see how everyone feels they have done…say around February? By that time people will have either been on a great roll or miserably failed lol! 🙂

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