
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Beautiful Blogger Award & Liebster Award

on August 28, 2012

Since entering the blogosphere and finding my place in blogland, I have met some amazing people  not only from the United States but from around the world – India, Belgium, France, New Zealand, Endgland, Canada – places I have only visited in my dreams (maybe National Geographic, of course). Now, I find myself communicating with ‘friends’ across countries and oceans on a daily basis. During these visits, I have laughed and cried finding myself drawn into families that have endured hardships and overcome adversities beyond measure. So, before I graciously accept and pay forward two new awards bestowed upon catnipoflife, a HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all of my followers and visitors. Your support and inspiration are daily beacons providing a guiding light for my writing. I do try to reciprocate as often as possible with visitations across the web letting you know I visit your site by Liking or commenting. Should I not pay you a visit in a reasonable amount of time please drop by catnip and give me a little nudge♥

Onward to the awards. . .

Just recently, catnipoflife has received nominations for two awards. Instead of doing two separate posts, I’m going to combine the two together mainly because of time constraints in completing the requirements. Each have their own set of ‘rules’ but instead of treating them independently, I am going to let my nominess select the one they would like to sparkle on their own website. The Beautiful Blogger Award received does not contain any question/answer specifications. However, the Liebster Award does. Since catnip has previously received this award click Liebster Award or the Liebster Award logo and refer to its rules and questions. Should you find your name in this previous list and you have not responded, remember, there is no time limit. It has not expired!

The first award is the Beautiful Blogger Award honoring sites that share inspiration.

Received from Shirley Sorbello

Catnipoflife is shining in the heart of one of her followers, Shirley Sorbello, which makes catnip gleam in return. Shirley has been inspired by the writings on catnipoflife and has graciously nominated her for the Beautiful Blogger Award. It is always so heart warming to know when catnip’s thoughts, pictures, and/or videos have touched someone in a special way. Thank you, Shirley!


The requirements for the Beautiful Blogger Award are:

  • Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and create a link back to their blog.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award.

The second award is the Liebster Award honoring sites with 200 followers or less.

Catnipoflife is deeply moved to be nominated by Christine Hammon. Christine is the author of A Hairdresser’s Diary which has received 5-Star reviews. Her story carries you on a journey from a life where she longs to be loved to one where she is not only loved but adored. It embraces accomplishment of her dream only to see it shattered most unexpectedly. You will find yourself at the intersection of many life-changing events where you will want to reach out to her, share in the moment, and lend a helping hand when so urgently needed. You will laugh at the incredibly funny stories, cry at thoughts of the uncontrollable pain, and share with her the most memorable endeavors.

As mentioned earlier, click Liebster Award or its logo at right for access to information and its rules.

 Now, I get to pay the award forward to those that have inspired me! Such awards are really great for they hold a two-fold purpose: It is not just the receiving of the award…it is the giving of the award! What a wonderful way to build an online community!
And the nominees are. . .


My Own Heart

Valerie Davis

Kick Back Moments
A Taste of Bliss
Fortyteen Candles

this man’s journey
Mondrak’s Blog
The London Flower Lover
CONGRATULATIONS to all but most of all, hugs to all of my devoted followers!
Please LEAVE A COMMENT so I know you have received the notification and accept the award!

30 responses to “Beautiful Blogger Award & Liebster Award

  1. Mondrak says:

    Congratulations on the awards. I know what you mean about meeting people and being drawn in. Reading about people’s lives can be so heartwarming, picturesque, entertaining, and sometimes – reading what people are going through or have gone through, and they came out the other side sets a precedence to the rest of us saying there is hope where we thought there was none.

    Thank you for nominating me as well. I appreciate it 🙂

  2. Congratulations my friend!!!
    Eric le Rouge

  3. Teepee12 says:

    Oh you are such a sweetheart. I feel more beautiful by the moment! Thank you Sharla darlin!

  4. Oh Sharla , thank you so much for thinking of me. And I think of you too, I always go to your site, and love it when I see your lovely logo lighting up mine. Congratulations on your awards, and thank you so much for nominating me – May I plump for the Beautiful Blogger?

    What you say about the world of blogging and the people who inhabit it is so true. It’s like travelling with a whole new world of friends and beautiful souls, with no passports needed!
    And it’s great to be in the same world as you and all those other friends.

  5. sandra305 says:

    Congratulations on your awards and also to the people you’re passing the on to!

  6. Chris says:

    Sharla I wish I had the words to express how humbled I am by your heartwarming and extremely touching thank you. This coming from a person I so admire. The internet made us friends God made us sisters. Bless you I am so touched. You have enriched my life like so many who I have shared their life and experiences with.

  7. […] Beautiful Blogger Award & Liebster Award ( […]

  8. Teepee12 says:

    Thank you, thank you. Please see the results of your generosity here:

    Hugs and kiss kiss


  9. […] Beautiful Blogger Award & Liebster Award ( […]

  10. Sharla Congratulations on the well deserved awards and thank you so much for the nomination I am honored thank you.

  11. Aditya says:

    Just wanna congratulate the winners and nominees as well. I myself was a nominee for the Liebster award though 😀

  12. Congratulations to all who have won, and my fellow nominees! This is a great honor!

  13. […] Beautiful Blogger Award & Liebster Award ( […]

  14. Raani York says:

    Congratulations!!! You deserve it!!

    • catnipoflife says:

      You are as bad as I am. . .trying to hit as many posts as possible at one time!!! hahaha I am so-o-o-o behind. Does ‘catch-up’ even exist any more other than in a bottle?

      • Raani York says:

        No, probably not… I just have some blogs sending me notifications on Mondays. Usually that’s the day after work out that I have planned to sit down and go through the blogs without disturbances (except Jake biting into my toes. *chuckle*)

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