
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Inspiration from Bubbles?

on September 7, 2012

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Remember blowing bubbles. . .blowing bubbles as a kid or like a kid as you grew older? Summer wasn’t summer without the chance to blow bubbles. . .an experience unbeatable at the time, totally priceless.

Watching bubbles became somewhat invigorating as each floated effortlessly through the air disappating slowly ’til no more. BUT, wait! That was not all to the view: there was always a rainbow show!

With the performance of the tiny bubbles sometimes one bubble would stike another knocking it out of its way as it continued to soar onward and outward. Sometimes one bubble clinged to another bubble as though locked in time and space. Then, of course, there would always be this one bubble that became so big it appeared to have swallowed others whole! That was the one sought after the most as you looked toward the sky and blew and blew and blew.

Thanks again, to my friend, Don in Massachusetts, this memory was recently challenged by the largest bubble I have ever seen.

Have you ever seen one this BIG-G-G-G-G?

What are your memories of blowing bubbles?

27 responses to “Inspiration from Bubbles?

  1. I never played with bubbles as a kid but once I had the girls….bubbles, sidewalk chalk and jump rope every year all year it seemed. the grand sons I still play with the bubbles !!!

  2. Thank you love for mentioning my blog. 🙂

  3. Sharla,

    Try this with your cats. They LOVE it! I got a bottle of bubble stuff from the kids section in the store and my cats go crazy chasing them around and then of course they disappear when they try to catch them with their paws.

    It’s great fun – for them and for me.

  4. Teepee12 says:

    Do they even sell those little blowing bubble kits anymore? I remember trying to catch bubbles on the little thingie we used to create them. I something actually did catch one. That was a real feat!

  5. sandra305 says:

    Absolutely gorgeous–I used to love blowing bubbles and our dogs would chase them. Great post!

  6. Love your blog and great pix. You might be interested in my blog on bubbles last week at

    • catnipoflife says:

      Karen, thank you for visiting catnip and especially for leaving a comment so I know you stopped by for a visit:>) I did visit your site and will quick post as a follow-up to this short article. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Bubbles have to be my favorite toy, followed closely by a ball and play dough. The giggles from my sons as they chased giant bubbles, made from one of those kits, in our backyard with fly swaters has to be one of my best memories.

  8. Mary Firmin says:

    I am in the bubble time frame now with my little Grandson, Charlie. He loves the bubbles. In the pool, in the bath, in the yard, on my dining room table. It’s all the same. Fun with bubbles. Grat article. Mary Firmin, Deadly Pleasures

    • catnipoflife says:

      Bubble blowers are among the oldest and most popular of children’s toys. Even when families had no money for toys, they could find a wire to twist into a circle and some soap for blowing bubbles. It is interesting that references to bubble blowing may go back to ancient times. That was always one of my favorites. . .

  9. Teepee12 says:

    Not that you need yet another award, but I just got another Lovely Blogger award and guess what? Now YOU have another one! Drop by and pick up the prize: a nice little graphic to add to your post! I should rename this to the “You brighten my life” award … because you really do brighten my life. Ii so enjoy hearing from you and reading your poems and the other nifty stuff you post. And your photographs are not at all bad either; you just need to learn to do a bit of post processing. Thanks for being you!

    • catnipoflife says:

      Thank you , Marilyn! BUT you just beat me to the punch by only a few hours on the award nomination. I have one for you too!!! It is a SWEET one:>) Thank you also for the photo compliment. . .I am trying and definitely learning in the process! LOL:>)

  10. Micki Peluso says:

    I loved bubbles as a kid, from bubble gum, getting it all over my face, to the bubbles in the bottle with the stick to blow through and the bubbles that were probably toxic–the nasty smelling ones you blew up from a tube. Naturally I passed that love to my own kids and to their dismay–my grandkids. Jacks and pick up sticks were a lot more fun that computer games!! That’s payback for all the silly putty and cracker jacks stuck to my carpet.

    • catnipoflife says:

      Love it! Love it! Love it! The games of the past are the games that were the best. The only one you did not mention that was one of my favs was playing cowboys and Indians. Daddy’s saw horses made the best riding horses in the neighborhood! Giddy-up!

  11. bobmielke says:

    I was born in 1949 to parents that immigrated from Germany in their teens. They spoke no English and had little formal education and even less finances. I grew up poor in the Midwest but the funny thing is, I didn’t know I was poor. My younger brother & I learned how to play and have fun without a lot of store bought merchandise. We ran in wheat fields, played baseball & rode our used, refurbished bicycles.

    Every now and then our parents took us to the Ben Franklin store in downtown O’Fallon, Illinois, a small cow town with few amenities. Ben Franklin was a true 5 & 10 cent stores of that era. You could still by penny candy and get a variety of inexpensive general merchandise. Often, especially in Summer, we would choose bubble mix in a tiny jar. Our area of Illinois would have its periods of windy days so blowing bubbles was quite a pastime for the two of us. When we ran out of bubble mix my mom would whip up a diluted version using dish detergent that worked almost as well.

    Those were some very happy days in my life that bring back fond memories of a simpler time in our country. I wish we could return to days where the games didn’t end because the batteries died. 🙂

    • catnipoflife says:

      Bob, thank you so much for visiting catnipoflife. I read your replies often on Serendipity and love the connections between you and Marilyn. I grew up in the Deep South in a small two bedroom house with one older brother. I well remember the ‘dish detergent’ substitute! My other favorite past time was Cowboys and Indians. I had the best ‘horse’ in the neighborhood – one of my daddy’s saw horses. I put more miles on that ‘horse’ than Daddy ever put sawteeth marks! :>) Absolutely LOVE back in the day when the best of times were in the backyard!

      • bobmielke says:

        My dad was a carpenter, with skills learned back in Germany. He passed on his knowledge to me and to my brother, Ed. My brother stayed in the carpentry field while I split off into electronics. My wife was surprised to see my knowledge of construction when I remodeled our home, completely gutting our kitchen and doing all the design and construction work myself. There’s more than one way to use an artistic talent. I’ll be following your blog from now on so count on future comments. Thanks for your post. – Bob

      • catnipoflife says:

        Awesome! I look forward to your visits:>) My husband followed in his dad’s footsteps with the Southern Railway. However, a break between railroad jaunts took him into the construction business. When we purchased our first home (Old home built in 1954), I never knew when I came home from school (I was a teacher) what lay before me – dangling wires, walls out, you name it BUT the results were outstanding and look at the money we saved! (We had four kids!)Whoo-hoo!

  12. […] Remember blowing bubbles. . .blowing bubbles as a kid or like a kid as you grew older? Summer wasn’t summer without the chance to blow bubbles. . .an experience unbeatable at the time, totall…  […]

  13. pennycoho says:

    This is a totally wonderful and uplifting post Sharla, superlative and just loaded with fun. 🙂 Love it, Penny xx

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