
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

A Pristine Side of Winter

on January 10, 2013

IceCrystalsAwaken inner thoughts of beauty and solitude even in the bleakness of Winter. Put your imagination to work with some new, rather unique, visions of Jack Frost. While it may be br-r-r-r cold outside, there is so much beauty to behold during the season of Winter. Yes, that’s right! Don’t be misled by visions of the drab, dreary, gloomy side of Winter but look around at the amazing sights that can only be encountered in the coldest season of the year.

Relish in the Winter spirit. The cold, crisp air refreshes the lungs with a quiet walk where the only sounds are the crunching of ice crystals underfoot. Listen to the wind-chimes as the North Wind sends a swift brush of cold through the air.  Examine every tree, shrub, plant and field as it displays its own uniqueness having been gently touched by nature’s paintbrush of downy white.

You can find solace deep within yourself once you are lost in a daydream that explores the magical mysteries of Winter. Cleansing, refreshing, invigorating! Then, enjoying the warmth of a cozy fireplace after such an exhilarating experience invites a steaming hot cup of white chocolate cocoa spiked with a stick of cinnamon:)

Jack Frost invites you to experience a pristine side of Winter. . .

(Be sure to click the tiny square at the bottom right to watch the video in full screen view.)

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36 responses to “A Pristine Side of Winter

  1. Lyn says:

    That was lovely. I’ve only seen snow once – 42 years ago. Where I live, winters are usually mild and only have the odd day where the temperature might drop to 23F. Summers on the other hand can reach 109F. On those types of days, you wish you could invite Jack over for a visit 🙂

  2. My Dear Sharla, you simply never cease to amaze me with your energy. A wonderful escape from the normal. Thanks again!

  3. Love the winter …as long as I can look from inside out anymore…horrible for a Colorado girl to say, eh?? Beautiful “the magical mysteries” indeed!!

  4. Sounds of silence are great in winter too. Thanks Sharla for the poetic reminder of the beauty we sometimes miss.

  5. bobmielke says:

    A truly wonderful video. It’s just one of many reasons why I decided to live in Oregon when I retired in 2010. In 5 minutes I can be in the countryside. Thanks for this post. – Bob

    • catnipoflife says:

      Thank you as always for the visit! I have never been to Oregon. My dream, along with my husband of course, was for us to travel across country. Not sure we will ever make it now because of his health. There is always hope within those dreams! Off to your site. . .

      BTW I have recently set up a new Pinterest board Phenomenal Photography. I will be pinning some (a LOT) of yours:-)

  6. lgyslaine says:

    A beautiful video. I don’t know so much the snow here. This is beautiful 🙂

  7. Teepee12 says:

    It has warmed up here and our snow is melting. I’ll send now images when they appear …I hope they miss my driveway when they do!! I only love winter in poetry, not on the ground 🙂

  8. nyparrot says:

    Happy, Inspiring and Prosperous 2013 to you and your family, Catnipoflife! You are not just a number among my followers:-). Aloha from New York!

  9. Beautiful video — I love the word “grumblesome.” After living many years in the endless summer of south Florida, I’m enjoying the variety of seasons in the Pacific Northwest — including winter! Thank you for today’s beautiful post celebrating the season.
    By the way, I posted about a winter walk on Boomers & Books today!

    • catnipoflife says:

      I had to smile at your mention of “grumblesome.” I wrote the poem and developed the video last year. I was struggling with the right word and it came on the recommendation of my brother-in-law who lives in the DC area. He definitely nailed it from experience. I will check out your site now. . .

  10. Raani York says:

    How beautiful… no matter how often I do see this in real, it does fascinate me again and again!! Thanks for sharing this!!

  11. […] Awaken inner thoughts of beauty and solitude even in the bleakness of Winter. Put your imagination to work with some new, rather unique, visions of Jack Frost. While it may be br-r-r-r cold outside…  […]

  12. Just beautiful Sharla, winter is such a special time, and yet so many people seem to dread it….you’ve given us another perspective

    • catnipoflife says:

      I do love living in the South but I would like a little more distinction in the seasons. Right now it is like spring…the plants will be so confused because in a few weeks they will be attacked again by the bitter cold. They just ‘think’ it is over!

  13. Very nice post. I’ve really enjoyed browsing your blog posts.

  14. Toner Laser says:

    Awesome post! I will keep an on eye on your blog.

  15. utesmile says:

    Love it Sharla, specially the hot cup of white cocoa…..hmmmmmm I only tried that brandnew stuff last week….

  16. Aditya says:

    Although it doesn’t snow here, Winter here is biting cold. But it does bring with it, a cool and calming breeze.

    Thanks for sharing this inspiration and glad to see that we’re thinking on the same lines about Winter. I just saw Jack frost wiki page, who I thought was someone but it turns out that is the personification of a cold winter.

    LOL anyway I’ve had something new to learn here. Thanks again!


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